Awareness…very funny.

Here we are again. April. Autism Awareness Month. [Though I will preface with the bigger issue of the COVID-19 virus.] I’ve been getting those wonderful emails from Autism Speaks almost on a daily basis. I used to have some respect for the organization until the curtain was opened and we’re finding out that a huge amount of money is either going to the people that run the place or the scientists who are trying to find that magical cure to autism – which if you’ve been doing your homework…knows that this isn’t something you catch {like a virus}. I did my very best to push the book I wrote about how us workers who have the autism disorder {not disease} are being severely bullied by coworkers and managers on our jobs. On a $.99 book in the USA and UK, I sold a grand total of….1. Yep, I sold one book. I honestly have no idea why I crashed and burned. Heck, I even tried to get the work out to the people on the sub-Reddit of Aspergers and one of the moderators stated I broke the rules and was suspended for 3 days! No joke. I basically told them that ‘you wouldn’t be hearing from me on the book any more because so far I had just one purchase. It’s irritating when I read people’s testimonies about the bully issue at work but, aren’t willing to do anything about it. In the book, I don’t just tell my story, I tell you how the HELL to fight it!’ Any response from Reddit? No. I almost don’t want to read anymore from that sub-Reddit. By the way, back at Christmas time, I actually made the 1st version free. Not too many takers, but I thought it would get things rolling.

I guess I could just ask the question – Do we want the general public to be aware of our disorder or do we care about our own awareness? When I found out I had this in the summer of 2004, I wanted to know everything I could about my condition because I knew I was going to have to make some serious adjustments. I cared. I have a wife, children and I needed to know how to properly interact with them as their husband/father. This year really is a mood point because of the worldwide virus. As we move forward, all I can hope for is if those of us on the spectrum have issues, we need to learn all we can about our liberties and our rights – many of which can be found in books. Sad.

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